Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some photos of the new place

This is a shot of the kitchen that I very much love. I thought it would take some time, getting used to a much smaller kitchen than we had at the old house, but I love it! It's much more efficient.

This is our view. (Took this one from the living room.) Just beyond those two trees in the foreground is a deep ravine and a big creek.

Living room. (Taken from the kitchen.) I love that it's open and I can see the TV and talk to mom while I'm cooking.

This is one of our pool, taken last year. (It's not open yet this year. Can't wait till it is!)

A shot of the creek that winds through the property. There are walking trails all through the area, too.

Mom has the camera out. That can only mean one thing: Time for a wrestling match! (lol)

No photos of the bedrooms or bathrooms. We don't have them "done" quite to our liking, yet. I'm waiting for some new bedroom furniture to be delivered for my room and mom's bathroom needs some serious decorating help. We're planning to take our time and find things that we really like, so we're not wanting to re-do everything again, six months from now!


  1. Hello! Love the photos of your home. The kitchen is nice, but God help me if I could ever watch the tv from my kitchen. I'd burn the fucking place down :p
    Am gonna bookmark your blog to keep in touch!

  2. LOL! I've managed to do okay, so far. But I see where it could be a problem if I'm not careful.
